


Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world

僕たちの場合はご飯も一緒に無限に食べちゃうので痩せませんがw 糖質制限していた友人が12キロのダイエットに成功したり、肌荒れに悩んでた知人にも効果があってめちゃくちゃ好評な料理なんです!

[Ingredients] (shelf life: about 1 week refrigerated)
● Napa(Hakusai): 1/4
● Carrot: 1
● Salt: 1 teaspoon
● 1 teaspoon salt
● Sake: 100ml
● Mirin: 50ml
● Kyushu soy sauce (sashimi soy sauce) (regular soy sauce can be used): 2 tablespoons
● Noodle soup (2 times concentrated) (bonito broth is recommended): 2 tablespoons
● Nam pla: 1 tablespoon
● Doubanjiang: 1 teaspoon (regular miso can be used)
● Coarse sugar : 1/2 tablespoon
● Ginger: 1 teaspoon (You can use the tube type, but fresh ginger tastes better)
● Chopped Kombu (dried seaweed): 1 teaspoon
● Bonito powder: 1 package (5g) bonito broth (you can use your favorite Japanese broth)
● Dried squid: amount you like
● Chili peppers: 1 to 3
● Roasted sesame seeds: as desired
※If you use regular soy sauce, reduce the amount of coarse sugar to about 1 tablespoon.
(Kyushu soy sauce is delicious not only for sashimi, but also for simmered dishes and other uses just like regular soy sauce, so please give it a try♪)
※If you want to reduce the sugar content even more, substitute RAKANTO or something similar for the pomace.
※We have listed substitutes, but you can clearly see the difference when you try them, so please try the same ingredients!
Just eating well is good for your diet and your body♪
This time I made “addictive pickled Napa(Hakusai)”.
The complex flavor of kelp, bonito, dried squid soup stock, and two kinds of fermented seasonings are perfectly combined to create a deep flavor. It is the most delicious Napa dish that you can eat endlessly.
It has become the most delicious Napa dish that is truly addictive and can be eaten endlessly.
Fermented seasonings are also recommended for intestinal health, and are said to be effective in anti-aging, relieving constipation, and boosting immunity.
Napa and carrots contain vitamins, and kelp contains dietary fiber, so you can get a lot of nutrition from this one dish🌟
In our case, we can’t lose weight because we eat endless amounts of rice with it lol
But my friend who was on a carbohydrate restriction diet succeeded in losing 12 kilos, and my acquaintance who was suffering from rough skin also found it effective, so it’s a very popular dish!
Of course, it’s also a great snack for drinkers♪
It’s a simple and tasty recipe that doesn’t compromise on taste, even if you skip the difficult steps!
Honestly, it’s as good as store-bought or store bought pickled Napa 😆
Please try to make it a lot.
By the way, we can eat it all in one day 🤤🤤🤤


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