プロ直伝『本当においしい親子丼』How to make Oyako-don directly by Professional
【材料】2人前 ●九条ネギ:2本くらい ●三つ葉(お好み量) ●玉ねぎ:1/2個 ●卵:5個 ●鶏肉:150g ●白だし:25cc ●みりん:大さじ2 ●お酒:大さじ1 ●醤油:大さじ2 ●三温糖:大さじ1 ●こんぶ茶:…
【材料】2人前 ●九条ネギ:2本くらい ●三つ葉(お好み量) ●玉ねぎ:1/2個 ●卵:5個 ●鶏肉:150g ●白だし:25cc ●みりん:大さじ2 ●お酒:大さじ1 ●醤油:大さじ2 ●三温糖:大さじ1 ●こんぶ茶:…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●きゅうり ●豚小間 ●生姜 ●醤油 ●塩コショウ ●お…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 動画の後にスープの中に肉味噌を入れたらカルビクッパになって凄いオス…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●ホットケーキミックス[hot …
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料 】●鶏むね肉 ●たまねぎ ●生姜(出来れば生のやつがオスス…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●筋子 ●塩 ●酒 ●みりん ●醤油 ●だし醤油 ●塩水…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●ズッキーニ ●ハム ●エリンギ ●えのき ●舞茸 ●レ…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 牛の旨味が凄すぎて本当に美味しかったです。 あと全くしつこくないん…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●醤油 ●コチュジャン ●砂糖 ●お酢 ●にんにく ●ご…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●椎茸:12個[shiitake…