焦がし醤油香る『たらこと鰹の焼おにぎり&大葉味噌の焼おにぎり』How to make grilled ONIGIRI
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. ●米2合[2 rice] ●たらこ:お好みの量[Your favo…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. ●米2合[2 rice] ●たらこ:お好みの量[Your favo…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】4人前 ●鶏もも肉:650g[Ch…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●豚肉:250g[Pork 25…