【ビールが秒で消える】超安くて超簡単なのに超絶旨い!! シャッキシャキ♪『超やみつき豆苗炒め』
Thank you for watcting I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world ●翻訳字幕作成にご協力頂けらとても助かります P…
Thank you for watcting I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world ●翻訳字幕作成にご協力頂けらとても助かります P…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●豚バラ[Pork belly]…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●食パン(10切り):6枚 ●卵:12個 ●レタス ●マ…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●新生姜の漬物:80g[Ging…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●鶏むね肉:700g ●白ごま ●ねりごま:小さじ1 ●…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●牛豚ひき肉:400g ●パスタ:約300g ●パルミジ…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●牛豚挽肉:400g ●ニラ:1束 ●にんじん:1本 ●…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料(ingredient)】 ●豚肩ロース:550g[Pork…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. 【材料】 ●鶏むね肉:2枚 ●小麦粉 ●オリーブオイル ●酢:大さ…
Please comment if there is a video which you want to have English subtitles. ●今回のにんにく塩豚を使った料理です。 『酢橘と大葉の焦がし塩豚ガ…