
How to make delicious ramen with chicken skin

【材料】(保存期間:冷蔵で約3日 冷凍で約2週間)
● 鶏むね肉:1枚(約350~400g)
● 塩麹:大さじ1
● おろし生姜、おろしにんにく:各小さじ1/2
● じゃがいも:1個
● コンソメ:小さじ1/2
● 砂糖:小さじ1/2(糖質を抑えたい場合はラカントもしくは無くてもOK)
● 醤油:小さじ1/2
● マヨネーズ:大さじ1
● ほりにし:お好み量
● 片栗粉:大さじ2
● 米粉:大さじ1
● 米油

● Chicken breast: 400g
● Salted rice malt: 1 tablespoon
● Grated ginger: 1/2 teaspoon Grated garlic: 1/2 teaspoon
● Potato: 1
● Consomme: 1/2 teaspoon
● Sugar: 1/2 teaspoon (You can omit it if you want to make it low-carb)
● Soy sauce: 1/2 teaspoon
● Mayonnaise: 1 tablespoon
● Japanese spice seasoning(If you don’t have it, add grated garlic and black pepper.)
● Potato starch: 2 tablespoon
● Rice flour: 1 tablespoon
● Rice oil
It’s like a combination of the best parts of McDonald’s Nugget and hash browns!
This is how to make “Addictive fried potato chicken” that are so delicious that once you eat them, you won’t be able to eat any other nuggets.
It’s surprisingly juicy, hard to believe it’s chicken breast, but it’s not greasy at all, so people who find Kentucky Fried Chicken difficult to stomach will definitely love it.
It stays really soft and delicious even after a while ☺ It’s also perfect for lunch boxes. Moreover, you can even freeze it before baking, so you don’t have to waste it even if you make a lot at once. That’s why I think this recipe is a great companion for busy housewives.
Addictive potato chicken nuggets
With this ease and convenience, there’s no reason not to make this delicious dish.
Please try making it


完全なる趣味チャンネルですw こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。



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