プロ直伝『本当においしい鶏そぼろ丼』Popular Japanese food How to make Salty-sweet Minced Chicken Bowl | Easy Recipe

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鶏そぼろ[Salty-sweet Minced Chicken] ●鶏ひき肉:700g[Minced chicken 700 G] ●醤油:大さじ4[4 tablespoons soy sauce] ●みりん:大さじ4[4 tablespoons mirin] ●お酒:大さじ2[2 tablespoons of sake] ●三温糖:大さじ2[2 tablespoons of sugar(light brown sugar)] ●あご出汁:大さじ1[1 tablespoon Flying fish dashi] ●すりおろり生姜少々(お好みで)[A little grated ginger] 卵[egg] ●卵:8個[8 eggs] ●あご出汁:大さじ1[1 tablespoon Flying fish dashi] ●三温糖:大さじ1[1 tablespoons of sugar(light brown sugar)]

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#こっタソの自由気ままに #鶏そぼろ レシピ #そぼろ作り方 #ご飯のお供 #常備菜 #作り置き #おにぎりの具 #onigiri #bento #お弁当 #こっさり特製 #簡単レシピ #recipes for dinner #mukbang #下厨房 #recipes for dinner #男子ごはん