【1個70円】いつでも焼くだけ!これがマジ驚くほど旨すぎて市販品やお店じゃもう買えない…と何度も言われた『冷凍作り置きハンバーグ』Hamburger steak【ENG SUB】節約レシピ


● 牛豚合い挽き肉:約1300g
● 新玉ねぎ:1個(普通のでも良いんだけど新玉美味しいよー)
● 生パン粉:2カップくらい(だいたいでいいよw)
● 牛乳:300ml
● 卵:3個
● 塩、ブラックペッパー
● オールスパイス(もちろんナツメグでもOK)
● 赤ワイン適量
● ウスターソース:大さじ2
● ケチャップ:大さじ2
● バター:10g

● Minced beef and pork: 1300g
● Seasonal onion: 1
● Bread crumbs: 2cups
● Milk: 300ml
● Egg: 3
● Salt & Blackpepper
● Allspice
● Red wine
● Worcestershire sauce: 2 tablespoons
● Ketchup: 2 tablespoons
● Butter: 10g
Amazing 1 piece 70 yen 😆😆😆
It’s hard to imagine a hamburger steak that can be eaten at such a price! I think I’m the strongest w
It’s a dream-like recipe where 🤤 you can make about 20 at once and freeze them, and you can eat juicy and tender Hamburger steak like a restaurant just by baking them at any time.
If you buy only allspice rather than buying nutmeg, which you don’t use much, you can use it in various dishes, so it’s convenient and saves money ♪.
This sauce is a favorite sauce of children, so you can make it a loco moco bowl like this time, or you can sandwich it between bread and it is delicious.
If you are on a diet or carbohydrate restriction, you can put it on top of a salad and sprinkle it with parmesan and it will ♪ be the most delicious.
Just grill it at any time and make the most delicious frozen Hamburger steak.


完全なる趣味チャンネルですw こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。



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