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I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


[Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 5 days refrigerated)
● Enoki mushrooms: 2 bags
● Shimeji mushrooms: 2 packages
● Maitake mushroom: 1 pack
● Shiitake mushroom: 6 pieces
● Canned tuna: 2
● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
● Soy sauce: 3 tablespoons
● Chicken soup stock: 1 tablespoon
● Oyster sauce: 1 1/2 tablespoons
● Sugar: about 1 tablespoons
● Sesame oil: 1 tablespoons
● Rice oil (salad oil is fine)
● Black pepper
● Grated garlic: 1 teaspoon
● Grated ginger: 1/2 teaspoon
● Dou ban jiang: 1 tablespoon (the spiciness will vary depending on the Dou ban jiang you use, so start with a small amount and taste as you go)
● Sichuan pepper, chili oil, roasted sesame seeds, to taste
※ If you don’t like the spiciness, replace the Dou ban jiang with miso, or substitute Gochujang for the Dou ban jiang.
※ The mushrooms do not need to be washed, but if there are any stains you are worried about, wipe them with kitchen paper.
This time I made “Infinite Addictive Sautéed Assorted Mushrooms”.
It’s addictive and a great accompaniment to rice that I want to eat on a regular basis!
The flavor of the mushrooms, oyster sauce, and chicken stock combined with the spiciness of the garlic and Dou ban jiang is so addictive that you really can’t stop eating it♪
It is also delicious as a topping for ramen, yakisoba, udon, pasta, and of course with rice🤤
If you are on a diet or sugar restriction, it is also great on top of tofu or fried tofu♪
It is low in carbohydrates, but also rich in protein, so it is very nutritious!
It is very easy to make, just fry it♪
Please try making it😆


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