【巻いて焼くだけ】これがマジ驚くほどウマすぎる『厚揚げとチーズの豚シソ巻き』再び!豚巻き/低糖質/作り置き/おつまみ/弁当/人気レシピ/テリヤキソース/ダイエット/大葉【ENG SUB】TOFU

● 豚バラ:300g(ロースでもOK)
● 厚揚げ:1パック
● スライスチーズ:6枚
● 大葉(シソ):10枚
● 小麦粉
● 油(くっつくフライパンだったら少しだけ)
● 醤油:大さじ3
● みりん:大さじ3
● 酒:大さじ2
● オイスターソース:大さじ2/3
● 砂糖:大さじ1(糖質をより抑えたい場合はラカント等)
● ブラックペッパー
● お好みで七味とゆずポン酢、マヨネーズ

[Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 3 days refrigerated)
● Pork belly: 250g-300g (pork loin is also OK)
● Thick fried tofu: 1 package
● Sliced cheese: 6 slices
● Shiso leaves: 12
● Flour
● Rice oil (regular oil will work, but rice oil will make it more assertive)
● Mirin (sweet cooking rice wine): 3 tablespoons
● Sake: 2 tablespoons
● Soy sauce: 3 tablespoons
● Oyster sauce: 2/3 tablespoon
● Grated garlic: 1/2 tablespoon (you don’t need it, but it makes it more addictive)
● Sugar: 1 tablespoon (you can use LACANTS for more sugar reduction)
● Black Pepper
● Shichimi pepper, yuzu ponzu, mayonnaise, to taste
This is the first recipe that gave birth to the Roll and Grill series♪
It’s been a while since I’ve made the “Pork & Tofu Cheese Shiso roll,” which has been very popular not only in Japan but also overseas.
The flavor of the pork belly, the teriyaki-style sauce, and the melted cheese are a perfect match♪
It’s super juicy, but at the end of the day, it’s so light and refreshing with the shiso flavor that I can eat as many as I want 😆
The texture and aroma of the cheese when it overflows a bit is also addictive 😆
I really love this dish, no matter how many times I eat it, I never get tired of it!
It’s also very satisfying, so I recommend it for people who are on a sugar restriction diet♪
All you have to do is roll it up and grill it!
It’s very simple, but once you try it, you’ll be hooked.
I hope you will try making it.


完全なる趣味チャンネルですw こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。



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