【フライパン1つ煮るだけ】驚くほど超旨い!『とろとろ白菜と鶏もも肉の和風クリーム煮』Cream stew of chicken & Chinese cabbage【ENG SUB】低糖質 シチュー

How to make delicious ramen with chicken skin

● 白菜:1/4
● 鶏もも肉:700g
● 玉ねぎ:1個
● バター:10g
● お酒:大さじ2
● みりん:大さじ2
● あごだし(4倍濃縮):大さじ2(あごだしの出汁美味しいよー♪ もちろんめんつゆ、白だしでもOK)
● 牛乳:500ml
● バター:お好み量(最後の味の調整用)今回は5g入れました。
● 塩、ブラックペッパー:お好みで
● 生クリーム(35%):200ml(無くても十分美味しいよ♪)
● 水溶き片栗粉
● お好みでパセリ、ブラックペッパー

● Chinese cabbage: 1/4
● Chicken thigh: 700g
● Onion: 1
● Butter: 10g
● Sake: 2 tablespoons
● Mirin (sweet cooking rice wine): 2 tablespoons
● Noodle soup base (4 times concentrated): 2 tablespoons
● Milk: 500ml
● Butter: 5g (When you taste it at the end, if you want more richness, please add the desired amount.)
● Salt & Black Pepper: as desired
● 35% heavy cream: 200ml
I made a cream stew of Chinese cabbage and chicken thigh that maximizes the flavor of Chinese cabbage.
The simmering Chinese cabbage and tender chicken thighs, which are simmered in just the umami-rich water of Chinese cabbage and chicken without using water, are so exquisite that you’ll want to eat them for the rest of your life.
If you add more richness and umami with Japanese-style dashi stock, it will be rich and rich, but it will be a light flavor that Japanese people like, and you can eat it until the end without getting tired of it. !
It uses potato starch instead of wheat flour to make it thicker, so it’s also recommended for people with wheat allergies.
All you have to do is simmer it in a frying pan♪ It’s very easy, but it’s really delicious, so please try making it.


完全なる趣味チャンネルですw こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。



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