【一人前57円】炒めるだけで驚くほど超旨い!『無限やみつき肉もやし』 焼きそば ラーメン 豆腐 低糖質/飯テロ/作り置き/おつまみ/痩せる/ダイエット/モッパン/大食い SUB ENG

● もやし:400g
● 牛豚合い挽き肉:150g
● 水:150ml
● 酒:大さじ1
● みりん:大さじ1
● 醤油:大さじ1
● あごだし(4倍濃縮)し:大さじ1/2(和風だし、めんつゆでもOK)
● 砂糖:小さじ2
● 創味シャンタン:小さじ1(中華あじ、ウェイパー、鶏がらスープの素でもOK)
● 酢:大さじ1
● 豆板醤:小さじ1
● おろし生姜:小さじ1
● おろしにんにく:小さじ1/2
● 水溶き片栗粉:大さじ1
● お好みでブラックペッパー
● お好みで花椒油かごま油:小さじ1
● お好みで和からし

● Bean sprouts: 400g
● Minced beef and pork: 150g
● Water: 150ml
● Sake: 1 tablespoon
● Marin: 1 tablespoon
● Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
● Noodle soup base (4 times concentrated): 1/2 tablespoon
● Flavored shantung: 1 teaspoon(You can use Weipa or chicken base)
● Sugar: 2 teaspoons
● Vinegar: 1 tablespoon
● Chinese Chili Bean Sauce: 1 teaspoon
● Grated ginger: 1 teaspoon
● Grated garlic: 1/2 teaspoon
● Potato starch dissolved in water: 1 tablespoon
● Add black pepper if you like
● Szechuan pepper Oil or Sesami Oil: 1 teaspoon
I was able to save money, and I made ♪ the best recipe that is easy and delicious.
“Addictive minced meat bean sprouts”
It is an addictive starchy sauce that combines Japanese-style soup stock and Chinese soup stock and adds garlic and ginger.
It’s so delicious that you can eat it infinitely when paired with rice, yakisoba noodles, ramen, and tofu!
Thanks to the Szechuan pepper oil (sesame oil is OK) that I put a little on at the end, it is a delicious bean sprout dish even to the aroma.
This time, I added a little minced meat to increase the response to eating, but the bean sprouts alone are delicious,
Even if you add onions and enoki mushrooms, it is ♪ the most delicious.
It’s a very simple recipe that doesn’t use a knife and just stir-fries, but the taste is the taste of the restaurant.
Please try to make it.

完全なる趣味チャンネルですw こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。



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