小麦粉無しで超簡単!最小限の材料で驚くほど超旨い!『ポテトチーズグラタン』小麦粉アレルギー/グルテンフリー 時短レシピ Potato Gratin じゃがいも 土豆食谱 감자 وصفة البطاطس

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[Ingredients] (for 2 servings)
● potatoes (May Queen): 1 bag (6)
● Onion: 1/2
● Garlic: 1 clove
● Bacon: about 5 slices (you can use more)
● Fresh cream: 200ml
● Milk: 300ml
● Consomme: 1/2 teaspoon (You can also use Japanese broth such as noodle soup♪)
● Butter: 10g
● Salt and pepper: a little
● A pinch of black pepper
● Melted cheese: as much as you like
● Parsley and cheese powder to taste
※If you use more cream, it will be thicker.
※Adjust the saltiness after tasting.
※You can also use other kinds of potatoes, not just make-your-own♪
This time, I made a really delicious potato cheese gratin that is so easy to make.
It is a dish that makes the most of the taste of the ingredients, with the flavor of the potatoes and the sweetness of the onions.
It’s a thick dish between a soup and a stew, rich but refreshing, and you can eat as much as you want 🤤🤤🤤
It’s a dish that’s very gentle on your stomach after eating too much during the New Year♪
It’s also flourless, so even children who are allergic to flour and can’t usually eat gratin will love it 😆😆😆
The ingredients are simple and it doesn’t take long to make, so please try making it.


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